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Segment Topics for Margaret Paul, PhD.

As a facilitator, author, speaker, seminar leader and relationships expert, Dr. Margaret Paul is able to address a variety of topics and story ideas.  She is willing to expand on the following topics and ideas through personal interviews or submitting original articles.

Relationships - Communication, Intimacy and Sexuality:

  • The ONE Major Cause of Relationship Failure No One is Talking About
  • How To Know When to End a Relationship
  • The Vast Difference Between Getting Love and Sharing Love
  • Telling Your Truth...or Not
  • Can This Relationship Be Helped?
  • Why Marital Sex Often Dies
  • Sexuality and New Relationships - When To Have Sex
  • You Think You Are Healed? Try Having a Relationship!
  • What Really Creates Emotional Intimacy
  • Who is Responsible for our Feelings?
  • Rejection and Engulfment: The Fears Behind Much Relationship Conflict 
  • Controlling Behavior: A Major Cause of Relationship Conflict
  • The Two Most Common Sexual Problems in Committed Relationships and How to Resolve Them
  • Will Becoming a Parent Enhance Your Relationship?
  • If You’re Unhappy in Your Relationship, Whose Problem is it?

Self Help and Personal Growth:

  • 3 Reasons Anxiety is Great for Your Mental Health
  • What it Actually Means to Love Yourself
  • Here's Why Some People are Always Late
  • 4 Problems Loving Yourself can Solve
  • How to Let go of Self-Judgment
  • What to do When You Can't Make a Decision
  • Discovering Your Passion and Purpose
  • New Approaches to Violence and Anger Management
  • How to Manage Painful Emotions
  • Healing Anxiety and Depression
  • Who Defines Your Self-Worth?
  • Getting Unstuck From Resistance and Procrastination: The Resistance Syndrome

Addictions: Substance Abuse and Process Addictions:

  • Addiction and The Underlying Feelings we Want to Avoid   
  • Aloneness and Addictive Behavior
  • Addiction and Internal Power Struggles
  • A Cause and Cure of Substance Abuse: Food, Smoking, Drugs, and Alcohol
  • Sexual Addiction 
  • Love and Connection Addiction 
  • Addiction to Caretaking

Health and Wellbeing:

  • The Gut/Brain Connection that Leads to Anxiety and Depression
  • The Problems With our Current Food that is Causing Physical and Emotional Health Problems
  • The Two Hidden Causes of Suicide and Mass Shootings
  • The  Hidden Results of Vegetable Oils, Sugar, GMOs, Antibiotics and Other Drugs, Factory-Farmed Industrial Beef, Poultry, Fish and Produce, Pesticides and Food Additives - From Anxiety, Depression and Degenerative Diseases to Autism and Alzheimers
  • The Dumbing Down of our Society

Spirituality and Spiritual Growth:

  • The 2 Secrets to At-Will Spiritual Connection
  • Diet for Divine Connection: Beyond Junk Foods and Junk Thoughts to At-Will Divine Connection
  • How to Access Your Spiritual Guidance 24/7


  • How to Love Yourself While Being There for your Kids
  • Beyond Authoritarian and Permissive Parenting
  • Minimizing Conflicts Over Homework
  • Helping Children Become Personally Responsible
  • Minimizing Conflict in Sibling Relationships
  • Parenting Yourself When You Have Small Children 
  • The Courage to Be a Loving Parent
  • The Major Challenge of Single Parenting and How to Resolve It
  • Parents - What Kind of Role Model Are You?
  • Teaching Inner Bonding to Children

Inner Bonding:

  • Book Interview: Diet for Divine Connection: Beyond Junk Foods and Junk Thoughts to At-Will Divine Connection
  • Book Interview: The Inner Bonding Workbook: Six Steps to Healing Yourself and Connecting With Your Divine Guidance
  • Book Interview: 6 Steps to Total Self-Healing: The Inner Bonding Process
  • Book Interview: How to Become Strong Enough to Love: Creating Loving Relationships Through the Six-Step Pathway of Inner Bonding
  • Book Interview: Inner Bonding
  • Book Interview: Healing Your Aloneness
  • Book Interview: Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?

(310) 459-1700 Los Angeles office
(303) 772-3508 Colorado office
Nationwide availability by arrangement, Based near Denver, CO



Daily Inspiration

True caring is not conditional. It is not based on what you get from someone, but on who you choose to be in the world. Caring comes from feeling your oneness with all living beings and choosing to support the highest good of all.


Explore More Inner Bonding



True caring is not conditional. It is not based on what you get from someone, but on who you choose to be in the world. Caring comes from feeling your oneness with all living beings and choosing to support the highest good of all.



Inner Bonding Events

09/28/2024 08:00 AM
Saturday Immersion
Karen Kral, MA, LPC

10/19/2024 08:00 AM
Saturday Immersion
Karen Kral, MA, LPC

10/23/2024 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

All Inner Bonding Events