Support Group

Dr. Margaret offers a 6-week Zoom support group. To join Dr. Margaret's telephone support group, call 310-459-1700 or 888-646-6372.

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Daily Inspiration

True caring is not conditional. It is not based on what you get from someone, but on who you choose to be in the world. Caring comes from feeling your oneness with all living beings and choosing to support the highest good of all.


'Inner Bonding is the awareness that I needed to learn how to love and appreciate myself; to truly know that I am enough.  Without the teachings of IB, I may never have found myself - and embraced myself with love and compassion.  IB is learning to be whole - to be free, to be able to feel love and give love.  IB is a blessing - IB is Peace, Calm, Bliss and Compassion." Dolores, CO Intensive 4.13

Venetia Rahal-Kotoch

"The resort and small group size were very conducive to learning and working in a safe & intimate environment.  It was very beneficial to have such a concentrated experience of working in the process and really being able to absorb it through seeing & feeling the work of others and ourselves.  The information and tools learned will stay with me as I continue to progress on my spiritual path." Colorado Intensive, 8/08

Audrey Sorensen

"It was my third Intensive and a fabulous experience again. Each group is different & the energy of this group was great, Margaret told me that it was because I was at a very different place compared to my first intensive - And it feels great, happy & true. I will encourage everybody to come to the Intensive, I've met wonderful people who I hope I'll see again." Santa Barbara Intensive, 11/04
Kashia Coulouvrat

'I had a profound experience at the Intensive.  Margaret's vibration is so high that just being  in her presence enabled me to unlock long-forgotten memories and energetic blocks.  I knew it was going to be an important process for me but even so I didn't realize quite how powerful it would be.  If you're prepared to look into the deepest recesses of your soul, and face those things that have been holding you back, this process is for you.' Santa Barbara Intensive 2.14

Jo Munday

'Dr. Margaret's skills and her loving manner drew out my true essence, helped me see where I am acting out of my wounded child, and above all underscored the importance - the need - to stay connected with Inner Guidance at all times. Living from that center, I feel I have made a transition.  Thank you Dr. Margaret Paul.'  Colorado 5-Day Intensive, 10.13

Phyllis Schafer

'I've read so many books in self-help, attended many workshops, but I have never experienced something like Inner Bonding.  It touches me so deeply and opened my eyes to see who truly I am, and gave me a powerful tool to heal any issue I want to heal.' Intensive, Colorado 10.11

Raed Almutairi

Explore More Inner Bonding



True caring is not conditional. It is not based on what you get from someone, but on who you choose to be in the world. Caring comes from feeling your oneness with all living beings and choosing to support the highest good of all.



Inner Bonding Events

09/28/2024 08:00 AM
Saturday Immersion
Karen Kral, MA, LPC

10/19/2024 08:00 AM
Saturday Immersion
Karen Kral, MA, LPC

10/23/2024 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

All Inner Bonding Events