Daily Inspiration

True caring is not conditional. It is not based on what you get from someone, but on who you choose to be in the world. Caring comes from feeling your oneness with all living beings and choosing to support the highest good of all.


"Inner Bonding" is a welcome addition to the material on the Inner Child. It gives us a pragmatic, solution-oriented framework for resolving inner conflict.
Stephanie Covington, Ph.D.

“If you’re ready to discover the root causes of disconnection from self, others and Divine guidance, then Diet For Divine Connection is a must read groundbreaking book. For anyone desiring mind, body, spirit healing, Dr. Paul clearly describes the connection between the foods you eat and the thoughts you think, with your ability to connect with your Divine guidance – your inner GPS - and she offers a pathway to healing through her six-step Inner Bonding process.”

Charlotte Reznick PhD

Endorsement for Diet for Divine Connection: “I have loved Margaret Paul’s teachings for over 20 years. She has always been ahead of her time and continues to be a renegade leading thinker and teacher in in the psycho-emotional and spiritual realm with this new book. Margaret deftly combines profound and integrated teachings for our modern times with certainty, experience and great clarity…all the while living what she teaches.

"Her holistic way of looking at wellbeing is inspirational, leading edge, and a great gift to anyone wanting support emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally.

“This new book finds her evolving and integrating even more of her learned and hard-won wisdom by including even more aspects of our humanness…our bodies, our food choices and our minds and brains, all the while continuing to point us home to our true and most sacred selves.

“I am so happy Margaret Paul is on this earth.”

Alanis Morissette

From the Foreword of Diet for Divine Connection: "While I’ve found Dr. Paul’s work to be immensely valuable, both in my own life and in the lives of my clients over the years, the aspect of transformation she brings into focus in Diet for Divine Connection fills a gap in our culture’s understanding that’s truly groundbreaking....The message in this book is essential and timely.  Sadly, one out of four women in North America is on antidepressants. This staggering epidemic of unhappiness is due in great part to these two things—our diet, and our disconnection from our divine source. The way in which Margaret connects these two fields offers a quantum breakthrough in our understanding....

"If ever I start to feel disconnected from my own self-love, my divine connection, I turn to either Margaret’s work or Margaret herself. She has proven herself to be a trusted guide over the decades. In this book, she will clearly show you how to use food to strengthen your own divine connection in a profound way.  It is with great joy that I invite you to turn these pages and take in her wisdom and guidance for yourself."

Marci Shimoff

“In her magnificent new work, Diet for Divine Connection, Dr. Margaret Paul has given us deep and immediate access to the unshakable foundations of inner security, vitality and a high-frequency consciousness. Only with these foundations can we experience the happiness and authentic success we desire and deserve in our lives. She shares not only from her vast expertise and decades of work, research and practice, but from the source of wisdom itself, which can only be accessed by someone who has embodied and lived all she offers to others---her book is a rare and potent transmission that will heal, integrate and ignite your mind, body, heart and soul into wholeness.”

Claire Zammit, Ph.D. Founder, FemininePower.com

[About "Inner Bonding"] A wake-up call to the most exciting miracle of the universe: your life.
Peter and Lynda Guber

Ask Dr. Margaret: Inner Bonding Interviews

1-hour interveiw of Dr. Margaret Paul answering members' questions. Each interview will be available for download monthly FREE to PLATINUM members of the Inner Bonding Village the month it is published, and can be downloaded free from the member site.

Our interviews go beyond the Advice section in the Inner Bonding Village.  Dr. Margaret chooses only the best questions from the month. Then she goes into considerable depth exploring the issues and how they relate to all of our lives. Dr. Margaret's in-depth answers will be very powerful for your healing process!

“Just wanted to let you know that I have tremendously benefited from the last two interviews that you have done: about mothers, and healing fears of rejection and engulfment. I've listened to them many times and got so much from them. They are awesome. Thanks a lot.”



Image Title Price Buy
#2 Getting Un-Stuck #2 Getting Un-Stuck - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
May, 2009
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#1 Friends and Family #1 Friends and Family - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
Public $39.95
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#3 Relationship Challenges #3 Relationship Challenges - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
June, 2009
Public $39.95
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#4 The Spiritual Experience #4 The Spiritual Experience - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
July, 2009
Public $39.95
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#5 Inner Battles #5 Inner Battles - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
August, 2009
Public $39.95
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#6 Relating Within and Without #6 Relating Within and Without - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
September, 2009
Public $39.95
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#7 Creating Great Relationships #7 Creating Great Relationships - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
October, 2009
Public $39.95
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#8 Parenting: Loving or Controlling #8 Parenting: Loving or Controlling - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
November, 2009
Public $39.95
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#9 Loving Relationships #9 Loving Relationships - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
December, 2009
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#10 Sexuality #10 Sexuality - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
January, 2010
Public $39.95
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#11 Abandoning Yourself vs. Loving Yourself #11 Abandoning Yourself vs. Loving Yourself - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
February, 2010
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#12 Showing Up In Conflict #12 Showing Up In Conflict - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
March, 2010
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#13 Mothers Can Be Challenging #13 Mothers Can Be Challenging - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
April 2010
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#14 Healing Heartbreak Without Addictions #14 Healing Heartbreak Without Addictions - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
May 2010
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#15 Healing the Fear of Rejection #15 Healing the Fear of Rejection - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
June 2010
Public $39.95
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#16 Loving Yourself Around Others #16 Loving Yourself Around Others - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
July 2010
Public $39.95
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#17 Going Deeper with Inner Bonding® #17 Going Deeper with Inner Bonding® - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
August, 2010
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#18 The Message of Emotions #18 The Message of Emotions - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
September 2010
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#19 Beyond Addiction #19 Beyond Addiction - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
October, 2010
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#20 Learning From All Our Relationships #20 Learning From All Our Relationships - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
November, 2010
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#21 Heal Your Relationships With Your Partner, Friends, and Family #21 Heal Your Relationships With Your Partner, Friends, and Family - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
December, 2010
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#22 Healing Food Addiction with Inner Bonding #22 Healing Food Addiction with Inner Bonding - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
January, 2011
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $0.00
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#23 Healing Your Wounded Self #23 Healing Your Wounded Self - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
February, 2011
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#24 Relationships: Loving Adult vs. Wounded Self #24 Relationships: Loving Adult vs. Wounded Self - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
March 2011
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#25 The Challenge of Resistance #25 The Challenge of Resistance - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
April, 2011
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#26 Is this Need or is this Love? #26 Is this Need or is this Love? - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
May, 2011
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#27 The Issue of Control #27 The Issue of Control - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
June, 2011
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#28 Healing Self-Judgment #28 Healing Self-Judgment - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
July, 2011
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#29 The Subtlety of Intent #29 The Subtlety of Intent - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
August, 2011
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#30 The Challenge of Loving Yourself #30 The Challenge of Loving Yourself - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
September, 2011
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#31 Taking Responsibility for Your Self-Worth #31 Taking Responsibility for Your Self-Worth - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
October, 2011
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#32 Becoming Aware of Projection #32 Becoming Aware of Projection - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
November, 2011
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#33 Relationships: Speaking up or Disengaging #33 Relationships: Speaking up or Disengaging - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
December, 2011
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#34 Compassion for Self #34 Compassion for Self - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
January, 2012
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#35 Taking Responsibility for Your Feelings #35 Taking Responsibility for Your Feelings - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
February, 2012
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#36 Becoming a Loving Parent #36 Becoming a Loving Parent - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
March, 2012
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#37 Are You Loving Yourself or Abandoning Yourself? #37 Are You Loving Yourself or Abandoning Yourself? - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
April, 2012
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#38 Taking Loving Action #38 Taking Loving Action - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
May, 2012
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#39 The Challenge of Intimacy #39 The Challenge of Intimacy - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
June, 2012
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#40 Relationship Systems #40 Relationship Systems - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
July, 2012
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#41 Relationships and Self-Abandonment #41 Relationships and Self-Abandonment - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
August, 2012
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#42 Relationship Questions and Answers #42 Relationship Questions and Answers - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
September, 2012
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#43 Underlying Issues and Concepts #43 Underlying Issues and Concepts - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
October, 2012
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#44 Life and Relationship Questions #44 Life and Relationship Questions - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
November, 2012
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#45 Taking Responsibility For Yourself #45 Taking Responsibility For Yourself - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
December, 2012
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#46 Spiritual Questions, Spiritual Connection #46 Spiritual Questions, Spiritual Connection - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
January, 2013
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#47 Staying Connected With Yourself #47 Staying Connected With Yourself - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
February, 2013
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#48 Love Addiction #48 Love Addiction - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
March, 2013
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#49 The Challenge of Being All We Can Be #49 The Challenge of Being All We Can Be - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
April, 2013
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#50 Power and Control Issues #50 Power and Control Issues - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
May, 2013
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#51 Loving Yourself, Loving Others #51 Loving Yourself, Loving Others - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
June, 2013
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#52 You and Your Relationships #52 You and Your Relationships - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
July, 2013
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#53 Managing Fear, Rejection and Overwhelm #53 Managing Fear, Rejection and Overwhelm - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
August, 2013
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#54 Creating Loving Relationships with Self and Others #54 Creating Loving Relationships with Self and Others - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
September, 2013
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#55 Managing Conflict #55 Managing Conflict - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
October, 2013
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#56 Connection With Self and Others #56 Connection With Self and Others - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
November, 2013
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#57 Learning Through Relationships #57 Learning Through Relationships - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
December, 2013
Public $39.95
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#58 Life and Relationship Questions #58 Life and Relationship Questions - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
January, 2014
Public $39.95
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#59 Actions and Reactions #59 Actions and Reactions - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
February, 2014
Public $39.95
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#60 Ah! Relationships! #60 Ah! Relationships! - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
March, 2014
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#61 Learning Through Our Challenges #61 Learning Through Our Challenges - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
April, 2014
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#62 Tweaking Interpersonal Skills #62 Tweaking Interpersonal Skills - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
May, 2014
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#63 Loving Yourself #63 Loving Yourself - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
June, 2014
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#64 Life and Love #64 Life and Love - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
July, 2014
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#65 Loving Yourself Around Others #65 Loving Yourself Around Others - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
August, 2014
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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#66 Loving and Learning #66 Loving and Learning - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
September, 2014
Public $39.95
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#67 Getting Clear #67 Getting Clear - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
October, 2014
Public $39.95
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#68 Life Challenges #68 Life Challenges - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
November, 2014
Public $39.95
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#69 Acceptance, Trust and Healing #69 Acceptance, Trust and Healing - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
December, 2014
Public $39.95
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#70 Connection, Clarity, Control #70 Connection, Clarity, Control - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
January, 2015
Public $39.95
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#71 Loving Self-Care #71 Loving Self-Care - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
February 2015
Public $39.95
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#72 Relationships and the Healing Journey #72 Relationships and the Healing Journey - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
March, 2015
Public $39.95
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#73 It's All About Relationships #73 It's All About Relationships - show details...
By Dr. Margaret Paul
April, 2015
Public $39.95
Platinum Members $31.95
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Explore More Inner Bonding



True caring is not conditional. It is not based on what you get from someone, but on who you choose to be in the world. Caring comes from feeling your oneness with all living beings and choosing to support the highest good of all.



Inner Bonding Events

09/28/2024 08:00 AM
Saturday Immersion
Karen Kral, MA, LPC

10/19/2024 08:00 AM
Saturday Immersion
Karen Kral, MA, LPC

10/23/2024 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

All Inner Bonding Events